Coppolino is a project by Aldo Coppola dedicated to taking care of kids and keeping them looking great, with the aim of raising funds to support non-profit organizations that work with and for children in Italy and worldwide.
How many balloons does it take to get a dream up in the air?
At “Coppolino” by Aldo Coppola, just one, designed with a fine yet strong hand, just like the message the brand is seeking to launch with this new project, challenging as always. Coppolino is not just a line of products, but an Atelier format, a unique location where child-friendly Hair&Beauty services can be provided. There’s more, however. Aldo Coppola offers mums the chance to have no-profit operators take care of their little ones while they relax and enjoy the services offered by the Atelier. The baby-sitting service is carried out by volunteers who work for humanitarian associations that work daily to help less fortunate children. The tablets at each position allow the mums/customers to learn more about the non-profit organization working on the project, as well as to watch their children live in the “Coppolino”. The aim of the Coppolino is to transmit information about the efforts of those striving to bring love and hope in Italy and worldwide.